Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Agent Palmer’s 16 Movies to See in 2016

We are firmly in 2016. Okay, so it’s just a week, but there’s no going back. So let’s take a look forward at the 16 movies to watch in 2016.

While 2015 had quite the haul of geek movies and other interesting films released, this year is already looking to top it.

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I, Agent Palmer, was asked to Infiltrate Podcast Without Borders

Podcast Without Borders

For the third consecutive week, a podcast will be released with an appearance by Agent Palmer. This time I had the pleasure of joining Aaron, Dave and their new co-host Cole on Podcast Without Borders Episode 36. It was Aaron picks month and I was honored to be his third choice.

These giraffe loving Canadians are out to have a good time and share it with the world.

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