Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Ethan Gilsdorf builds an Immersive Experience in Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks

Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks - Ethan Gilsdorf - Book Cover

More than a decade after its release and the time I first opened its pages, I returned to Ethan Gilsdorf’s Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks: An Epic Quest for Reality Among Role Players, Online Gamers, and Other Dwellers of Imaginary Realms. The trip back has reminded me why there is merit to rereading certain books.

First released in 2009, when I was just Jason and not Agent Palmer, I had no blog, no podcast, a boring job, and I was really just trying to find my way in the world. It was the perfect time to first pick up this book. This second time, I have a blog, a podcast, no job, and I’m still just trying to find my way in the world.

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Spoiler Free Review

Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline Spoiler Free Book Review

Ready Player Two: Meet the New Book, Enjoyable as the Old Book

It didn’t take too long to become reacquainted with Parzival, Art3mis, Aech, Shoto, and the OASIS in Ready Player Two. Once you get going, it’s not easy to stop, similar to an addiction, which is part of the discussion and joy of Ready Player Two, Ernest Cline’s much-anticipated sequel to the best-seller Ready Player One.

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Storytelling is an Undead Art in “The Edge of the World Broadcast”

Storytelling is an Undead Art in The Edge of the World Broadcast

In just under 90 minutes, Season One of The Edge of the World Broadcast, a podcast created by, written, and starring Joel Mengel, will bring you back to a simpler time, when zombies weren’t just a trope, they were great fodder for storytellers to write thrilling and mysterious tales.

So what is it all about? “The End of the world has come and gone and survivor Delsin Moore discovers a still functioning Numbers Station, becoming what could be the last voice going out into the void…”

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