Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Spoiler Free Review

Jurassic Park Novel by Michael Crichton Spoiler Free Review

Jurassic Park’s underlying themes anything but extinct 30 years later

It’s been more than two decades since I first read Jurassic Park. In that time, I’ve come to deeply love the original movie trilogy and the new series starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. But the thing is, this book is far more compelling than I remember, and it is quite odd to be placing different pieces of it in the different films in the original trilogy.

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Upload on Amazon Prime is Good but its binge formula detracts it from being Great

Amazon Prime Upload

Upload is a good show on Amazon Prime that could be great if it didn’t follow the binging streaming formula. (The following may contain spoilers.)

The writing and biting social commentary on future capitalism, technology, and relationships that still manages to hit close to home. But, and this is, for me, what keeps this show from being a great show, is the “whodunnit” nature of the plot throughline.

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