Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Hamilton is What We Need, Perhaps when we Need it the Most

Hamilton An American Musical

First it was a play, then it became a theatrical movement and must-see, now it’s been released to the comfort of our own homes, Hamilton has arrived on Disney+, and it’s all that it could be.

Except that it’s more because it’s not just a musical. It’s written in a way that many, if not most, of the subtext can be an allegory for ourselves, modern America, and the issues that have plagued the United States of America since its inception.

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Agent Hunt’s Bookshelf – Seashaken Houses by Tom Nancollas

Agent Hunt’s Bookshelf – Seashaken Houses by Tom Nancollas

Maybe it’s because we’re an island nation, with a proud history of seafaring. Maybe it’s because my early years were spent living on the coast. Whatever the reason, the sea has always fascinated.

That said, I’ve never been particularly fascinated by lighthouses, as interesting as they are. Unlike writer and building conservationist Tom Nancollas. His love and admiration for these stone monoliths shine through in this book from the cover right through to the epilogue.

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“It’s What You Learn After You Know it All” is for Baseball Fans and Managers of all Types

The Autobiography of Earl Weaver

Over the years baseball has changed. On the diamond, in the dugout, and off the field as well. And there are a ton of things in this book that emphasize that point, but this book is more than baseball, it’s Earl Weaver. And then again, some things don’t change.

It’s pitching, defence, and the three-run home-run. It’s arguing with umpires, tearing up rulebooks, and “debates” with your own players and management.

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“Lost Moon” retitled “Apollo 13” by Jim Lovell & Jeffrey Kluger is an Incredible Read

Apollo 13 Book Review Previously titled Lost Moon Jim Lovell

Around the time that the film adaptation of Lost Moon, called Apollo 13 came out, my parents who knew I was in love with all things NASA bought me the book by Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger.

The book, in a concerted marketing effort with the movie was also retitled from Lost Moon to Apollo 13 and with a picture of not Lovell but Tom Hanks as Lovell on the front cover. And while I read the book, or read through it when I picked it up recently, I now had the knowledge of the other books I’ve been reading.

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Kranz’s Failure is Not an Option is a Great Look Back and a Kick in the Pants To Get Going Again

Failure is Not An Option by Gene Kranz Book Review

There is much more to Gene Kranz than Ed Harris’s portrayal of the Flight Director in the movie Apollo 13. As one of the early members of Flight Control, Kranz was there for Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo before moving up into more of a management role.

His book “Failure Is Not an Option: Mission Control from Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond” is not only a vivid first-hand account of history as it happened, but the perspective is unique to mission control…

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