Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Chronicles, Volume One by Bob Dylan is a memoir worth your time


To me, and to many, Bob Dylan is a mythical figure. I understand that he’s as human as you or I, but there’s something different about him.

He was told that he was the voice of a generation and he didn’t even want it, which made people more convinced he was. And as an artist, he reinvented himself over and over and over, in fact he’s reinvented himself more times than most people find themselves.

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The film “Alice’s Restaurant” is an avant-garde snapshot of 1960’s counter-culture

You can see anything you want at Alices Restaurant

“Hi, howya doin? I’m Arlo Guthrie and you’ve probably listened to or heard about a thing called Alice’s Restaurant.“

That is the beginning of the narrative that is spoken at the start of the movie, Alice’s Restaurant, and also used as the trailer for the film as an explanation of what the movie is and how it is based on Arlo Guthrie’s song of the same name.

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Coders by Clive Thompson is an intriguing glimpse behind the code and into the people writing it

Coders by Clive Thompson

From the early coders of the most primitive computers to today’s venture capital wet dreams, Clive Thompson’s book “Coders: The Making of a New Tribe and the Remaking of the World” peels back the layers on just who is behind the keyboard of the code that is impacting our lives.

How coders work, why they think the way they do, what it is they actually do, and even their reflections on what they’ve done.

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Battle of Britain by Len Deighton is a Brilliant History Book

Battle of Britain by Len Deighton

There is something remarkable about reading Battle of Britain by Len Deighton. First, it is hardly the first book about the Battle of Britain I’ve read, second, all the others, even if they were more broadly World War II based, were all written by him, and third, I still learned something new.

I’m not sure if he uncovered more information during his research for this book or was just more able to tell the story, but this book is not only direct in its retelling of history but it’s also a work of art.

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Amazon Prime’s “This Is Football” is to be Celebrated like a Winning Goal

This Is Football from Amazon Prime

Season One of Amazon Prime’s “This Is Football” six-part documentary is a perfect example of all that is actually beautiful with the beautiful game.

In a world where, on Amazon Prime or Netflix, a search for soccer or football will bring you to documentaries on the FIFA scandals, which is an example of everything that is wrong with the game, this series is about everything that is right with the game.

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