Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

‘Gonzo’ Reminds Us That Hunter S. Thompson is Far Greater Than ‘Fear’

‘Gonzo’ Reminds Us That Hunter S. Thompson is Far Greater Than ‘Fear’

Hunter S. Thompson is much more than just Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I knew that, but knowing that isn’t the same as knowing the wider breadth and depth of that statement. Alex Gibney’s 2008 documentary “Gonzo” filled in a few gaps for me, but for those uninitiated it may just enlighten you to just how much more than one book Hunter was.

Gibney does an amazing job throughout the documentary weaving Thompson’s words with his life. As a writer, even one like Hunter, not everything is relevant, yet it all could be usable depending on the story you want to tell.

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This ‘Rocket’ Recollection Launched Fond Memories of the Argonauts

Year of the Rocket Book Review

I am a fan of the CFL and the Toronto Argonauts. But it wasn’t until I picked up The Year of the Rocket by Paul Woods that I had forgotten a previous connection to the league and the fandom.

This book has not only reminded me of that connection but told a greater story surrounding the history and circumstances around the 1991 CFL season. That season, “”The king of comedy, the king of hockey, and the guy who owns the Kings” bought the Toronto Argonauts…

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“Like a Rolling Stone” wonderfully orchestrates the work of journalist Ben Fong-Torres

Like a Rolling Stone wonderfully orchestrates the work of journalist Ben Fong-Torres

I thought about being a rock star as an early teen as if it was that easy. I also thought about becoming a journalist for a period in my late teens, which seemed much more realistic. I even minored in journalism in college, so it was definitely in my wheelhouse.

Somehow, being a rock journalist never made the list, even temporarily, of things I want to do when I grow up.

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Black and Blue is a bruising baseball history of the ’66 World Series

Black and Blue Tom Adelman Book Review

I’ve never met Tom Adelman, but I feel as though we just had a wonderful conversation. Black and Blue: The Golden Arm, the Robinson Boys, and the 1966 World Series That Stunned America was the conversation we shared.

This book is fantastic, and that’s coming from an Orioles fan who has also enjoyed Dodger baseball for the past decade plus. Through telecasts I’ve absorbed the history of both clubs, but this book does something else.

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The Kids finally get their due respect in The Kids in the Hall: Comedy Punks

The Kids finally get their due respect in The Kids in the Hall: Comedy Punks

They’re back with a new season or series (depending on who you ask) on Amazon Prime. Along with their long-overdue revival comes The Kids in the Hall: Comedy Punks, a two-part documentary about their decades-long journey from origins to success, failure, and everything else in between.

I have yet to watch the new material, and I will, but a few months ago, I started rewatching the old stuff.

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