Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Amy Shira Teitel delivers the Easily Digestible History of Spaceflight before NASA

Breaking the Chains of Gravity The Story of Spaceflight before NASA by Amy Shira Teitel

“NASA wasn’t created in a vacuum and suddenly tasked with the Moon landing,” writes Amy Shira Teitel in her debut publication Breaking the Chains of Gravity: The Story of Spaceflight before NASA.

Without historians and authors, of which Teitel is both, it would appear as if NASA did just appear on the scene ready, able, and willing to start Projects Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo. But the truth is much more intriguing and far less polished than pop culture and general history would have you believe.

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Alright, Alright, Alright Is More than Just The Oral History of Dazed and Confused: It’s About Youth, Nostalgia, and the Creative Process

Alright, Alright, Alright Is More than Just The Oral History of Dazed and Confused: It’s About Youth, Nostalgia, and the Creative Process

Alright, Alright, Alright: The Oral History of Richard Linklater’s Dazed and Confused is a masterpiece of inspired writing, research, interviewing, and storytelling by Melissa Maerz.

But this book isn’t just about Dazed and Confused. It’s about the process of moviemaking, storytelling, corporate Hollywood, independent film, nostalgia, and art. It’s recommended reading for any creative person.

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No garbage in “Dr. Space Junk” exploration of modern archaeology

Dr Space Jnk vs The Universe Book Review

In a nutshell, Dr. Space Junk vs The Universe by Alice Gorman tells the very non-linear origin story of Dr. Space Junk herself. Don’t let that narrative twist turn you away. It’s a tale filled not with missteps and mistakes but with the understanding that what you want now may not be what you want later. It’s also quite a philosophy and history book, too.

Let’s start with author Alice Gorman, a space archaeologist who is writing a book with the subtitle “Archaeology and the Future.”

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The Birth of Loud: Follows the Creation and Adoption of Iconic Electric Guitars

The Birth of Loud Leo Fender Les Paul Ian S Port Book Review

What we know of as rock n roll, is not only the story of music but the history of instruments as well. The Birth of Loud chronicles a rivalry that was at the center of more than one musical movement and it is superbly written by Ian S. Port who not only describes the people and their instruments, the trials and innovation, but the feelings of change and moments of inspiration.

Author Ian S. Port writes this book not only with great prose, but there’s some poetry in there too. His description of Hendrix at Woodstock performing the Star-Spangled Banner is the best I have ever read…

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If You can Only Read the Autobiography of One Mercury Seven Astronaut, Make it DEKE!

DEKE US Manned Space from Mercury to the Shuttle

Donald K. “Deke” Slayton may not be the household name he should be, but he has had a hand in shaping history as we have come to know it. He was one of the original Mercury Seven, unfortunately, he was the one who didn’t get a flight, but he did eventually make it into space, and in the meantime, he ran the Astronaut Office, and the story for how he got there, his impressions, his knowledge, perspective, and his stories, are second to none.

All of this is what makes Deke! worth your time.

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