Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

In a three network world, always be the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour

Dangerously Funny always be the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour

Today, the average content creator is likely to get “canceled” by either the right or the left because what they said was ideologically different.

But decades ago, the Smothers Brothers were removed from the airwaves because they were ideologically ahead of their time, and perhaps because they were trying to ruffle a few feathers along the way.

The point is, Dangerously Funny: The Uncensored Story of “The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour” by David Bianculli is more than a walk through a different time.

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A Life Full of Positive Achievements: Memoir! Celebrates Sid Meier

Sid Meiers Memoir by the creator of Civilization

Sid Meier’s Memoir! A Life in Computer Games is a collection of anecdotes from his life, his gameography, and his philosophies. In his games, he sought to put good into the world, and he has done the same with this book. He acknowledges that bad things have happened in his life, but he doesn’t dwell on them.

I’ve previously written about some of the games Sid had a hand in creating, including a few that had his name on the box: Sid Meier’s Civilization, Sid Meier’s Colonization, and even Magic The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers.

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“Quincy” perfectly celebrates a living legacy

The Netflix original film Quincy isn’t just a great documentary about Quincy Jones’ prolific music career. It’s a great reminder that, as an icon, Quincy’s reach and the scope of his work went far beyond entertainment and into social justice and the ongoing inspiration of generations.

Whatever you conjure in your mind when you read about Quincy Jones on the page or in this post, is just a fraction of what he has accomplished…

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Spoiler Free Review

Crichton’s Next is a TED Talk with a novel preamble

Crichton’s Next is a TED Talk with a novel preamble

Next is a masterful chaotic mess combining real science and science fiction so seamlessly that you have no idea what is or isn’t fabricated or researched unless you have a Ph.D., which I don’t. It asks and deals with a lot of bioethical issues and raises as many concerns as it does questions.

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The Real Frank Zappa Book is Worth Your Time, No Matter Who You Are

The Real Frank Zappa Book is Worth Your Time No Matter Who You Are Book Review

There are biographies and autobiographies that are about what a person did and how they achieved their particular brand of expertise, success, or celebrity, and then there are the ones that are about who that person really is.

The Real Frank Zappa Book is one such autobiography. You read this book and you don’t understand all of the important dates or instances of this or that which led to the Frank Zappa you know, but you do understand who he is. This isn’t as much of a history book as it is a philosophy book, it’s Frank’s philosophy, and he doesn’t pull any punches.

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