Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Agent Palmer’s 16 Movies to See in 2016

We are firmly in 2016. Okay, so it’s just a week, but there’s no going back. So let’s take a look forward at the 16 movies to watch in 2016.

While 2015 had quite the haul of geek movies and other interesting films released, this year is already looking to top it.

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Oh, The Things You’ll be Tagged In… The Nine Threes

For a little fun, I’ve decided to respond to Moving the Needle’s Roy MacMillan, who tagged me in a social media post. I’ve renamed it “The Nine Threes,” because it didn’t have a name and it contains nine things that all require three answers.

I apologize for the “classified” responses, but it appears as though my superiors haven’t yet declassified all of my exploits. Those are the breaks for a secret agent blogger…

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A Guide to Dressing Classy, Yet Sexy, This Halloween

Not Everyone Can Pull This Off For Halloween

A Special Report by Agent Ellipsis

Halloween is upon us, and although it’s easy to get excited about the haunted houses, scary movies, and the plethora of candy, it can be just as easy to feel shocked or discouraged by the amount of skimpy women’s costumes on the market.

Some women can pull off midriff-baring or super-short costumes with ease, but for many, it can be down-right uncomfortable wearing a “barely there” ensemble. Fortunately, it is possible to be sexy at Halloween while still maintaining a sense of modesty without the frump.

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Agent Palmer’s Top Ten College Movies (Prepared for Reasons Are Several Podcast)

Agent Palmers Top Ten College Movies

As a regular listener of Reasons Are Several podcast, I was excited to hear Episode 84 where Matt and Scott ranked their Top 10 High School Movies. After the episode, I tweeted and asked when they were going to do their Top 10 College Movies?

Next week wasn’t the answer, so I have decided to write this post in the hopes of giving them a third list to compare with their own lists, when they get to their college movies list.

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