Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

My Fellow Geeks Went to San Diego Comic Con 2015 and All I Got was this Lousy Shirt Amazing List

San Diego Comic Con 2015

This past weekend thousands of my fellow geeks descended upon San Diego, California for the 2015 Edition of the Annual San Diego Comic Con. And while I did not attend, I kept a keen eye on my Twitter feed.

Unlike most Comic Conventions, San Diego Comic Con isn’t just about the comic books; their artists and writers, it’s become an annual launchpad for movies and television announcements and debuts.

Here’s my recap of the ten things that caught my eye from this year’s Con!

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Top 50 Duke Nukem Quotes from the Franchise

Top 50 Duke Nukem Quotes from the Franchise

One of the more endearing parts of the Duke Nukem franchise from Duke Nukem 3D to Duke Nukem Forever and everything in between are the quotes that spew from Duke’s mouth throughout the gameplay in single-player and multi-player modes.

With that in mind, I have compiled a list of the top 50 things Duke has said throughout the franchise. They are full of pop culture references and quotes from other characters; Yoda from Star Wars and Ash from the Evil Dead franchise, as well as some great quips putting down other entities, such as the Quake and short-lived XFL.

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Fifteen Movies to Watch in 2015

15 Movies to Watch in 2015

It’s 2015, Happy New Year! As 2014 came to a close, I coined it the “Year of the Trailer.” With that being the case, there must be movies in 2015 worth seeing.

So, in the interest of maintaining 2014 as the “Year of the Trailer,” here are 15 movies that you should see in 2015. They run the gamut from adult to children’s movies, action and adventure, reboots, continuations, and, of course, comic book movies.

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20 Gift Ideas for the Geek in your Life

Giving Gifts to Geeks

Gift giving seems to be something that people only think about during the holidays, but there remain plenty of reasons to give gifts year round. Some people even do it for no apparent reason!

Regardless of the occasion or lack thereof, shopping for a geek, self-subscribed or otherwise, can be at times challenging to say the least. Geeks usually tend to shop for themselves on a regular basis, after all.

Gift cards for restaurants and stores are acceptable, but for something with a little more thought, here are 20 options that will that will enthrall your geek!

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Top 10 Moments from the Eventful 2014 Tour de France

The 2014 Tour de France ran from July 5th to July 27th. This 101st edition of the Tour was made up of 21 stages and covered 3,664 km, containing nine flat stages, five hill stages, six mountain stages with five mountaintop finishes, one time trial and two rest days.

The Tour started in England lost a few big names along the way to Paris. In their absence the race was still competitive, for the Sprinter’s Green and King of the Mountain’s Polka Dot Jerseys. The Yellow Jersey and General Classification was decided early quite early on, with Vincenzo Nibali’s performance in Stage 2 and the withdrawal of both Christopher Froome and Alberto Contador.

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