Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

A Brief Classification of B-Movies and An MST3K Infomercial

MST3K The Return Hybrid B-Movies Avalanche

During the fourth episode of the newly rebooted Mystery Science Theater 3000; “Avalanche;” Jonah Heston, Crow T. Robot, and Tom Servo take a moment out to address a very important issue; “deliberately stupid junk disguised as sincere, heartfelt junk.”

I, for one, applaud them for their efforts. B-movies can, and should be, fun and enjoyable for what they are, but there is a limit. First, what is a B-movie?

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Top Ten Moments from the 2017 Tour de France

The 2017 Tour de France was one of the more compelling in recent memory. Old names and new names mingled up and down mountains and across the plains of France, having started off this year in a rainy Dusseldorf before trekking the 3562 kilometres to the finish line in Paris on the Champs-Élysées.

So for your perusal, here are my Top Ten Moments of the 2017 Tour de France.

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The A to Z Files

Agent Hunt's A to Z Playlist

From Across the Pond: Agent Hunt’s A to Z Playlist

This list was originally about 40 songs long, and didn’t include the letters X and Z. My Amazon and Spotify playlists let me down so I was forced to delve further into the internet. I’ve no doubt that if I played to this my friends and family, they’d know it was mine.

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