Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

12 Great Opening Lines from Recent Reads

12 Great Opening Lines from Recent Reads

Believe it or not, the opening line of a book can truly shape the entire experience of reading it. Much like the opening scene to a movie, an author can choose to bring us straight into the action or build a slowly burning sense of purpose through their words.

With that in mind, I wanted to discuss the 12 best opening lines from books I’ve recently read, but I had a decision to make before I got started. I wasn’t sure what the criteria should be. Should it be the prologue, for those that have a prologue, or should it be the first line from chapter one because all of them had a chapter one?

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Couple Things Podcast Celebrates 100: Top 10 Must Hear Episodes (A CTP Starter Pack)

Couple Things Podcast A Starter Pack

I’ve written about Couple Things Podcast twice before, once for the epic crossover #CTPinJuly with The Stranger Conversations and once as a podcast you should be listening to, but this third time is in honor of their 100th Episode.

Reaching 100 Episodes is a monumental feat for most podcasts. After reaching a one year anniversary, Episode 100 is probably the episode that gets the most hype.

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How to Valentine’s Day: Roll a Natural 20 for the Geek in your Life.

How to Valentine’s Day: Roll a Natural 20 for the Geek in your Life.

Here’s the thing. Flowers, going out to dinner, cards, and candy are all the cliches for Valentine’s Day that couples get each other.

Now, I’m not saying they’re all bad. But unless those cards are Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon, or Spellfire, it’s not inherently going to be the cards your geek wants to receive.

It’s not bad that you put in some effort, but to go the extra mile, I’m here to help you make it special.

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