Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

17 Movies to Watch that are coming out in 2017

17 Movies to Watch that are coming out in 2017

Lots of movies come out every year. Some are good, some are bad, some are geeky fan services, but one thing remains the same, year after year: I am always surprised by something being better than I thought and something else being a letdown.

I’m not sure what will happen once the lights dim in the theatre this year, but I know that if it all works out, I’ll be seeing a good portion of these 17 movies in 2017.

This is my list, and it’s based on just my own thoughts and feelings. Will you be seeing any of these with me, and what will you be watching instead?

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16 Podcast Quotes from 2016

16 Podcast Quotes from 2016

For those that don’t “get” podcasting there is a misconception that it’s just “one of those things that other people do.” But it’s not just one of those things. More and more people are turning to podcasts. It’s a skyrocketing medium.

Just like books, movies, and television, podcasting has many genres and from episode to episode those genres may coalesce into something new or different, but just like the former they can make us laugh, cry, think, and feel.

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Top 10 “On Air” Moments from PodtoberFest 2016

Top 10 “On Air” Moments from PodtoberFest 2016

By all accounts and measures, PodtoberFest 2016 was a success. I’ve written at length about the goings-on behind the scenes, but as the last of the episodes has now been released as part of 7 Days A Geek’s 30 Days of Podcasting, it’s time to take a look at what happened “on air.”

As such I have devised a Top 10 of my own for the things that happened when the mics were hot, so that if you missed it or decided to pick and choose episodes, I might steer you in the right direction.

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Thanksgiving Movies to be Thankful for…

Thanksgiving Movies List from Agent Palmer

It is November and All Hallow’s Eve has come and gone, but before you start with all of the December Holidays preparation, don’t pass over the November Holiday that is often overlooked when it comes to movies. Yes, Thanksgiving has it’s share of movies, maybe not completely based on the holiday, but it’s in there.

So, since last year over Thanksgiving I started to compile a list; one of my readers Jenn Anaya had started tweeting about Thanksgiving movies. I haven’t personally watched a ton of these, so I’m going to give you two lists. First, my Thanksgiving movies in alphabetical order and then all of the other thanksgiving movies I have found.

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What Social Networks am I on and How Do I Use Them?

What Social Networks am I on and How Do I Use Them

How many social networks are you on? I’m on an excess of 20. I’m not active on all of them, mind you, but I do like to try things out. If I had more time or could get caught up on things, I would certainly spend a little more time on some of them.

I like to keep up on things and try them out or at least see what all the fuss is about, so let’s go through them shall we? We’ll do so in alphabetical order, because it’s only logical.

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