Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

BO.LT is Pinterest on Steroids but marketing is slow

Bolt and Pinterest

I was extremely interested when I heard about BO.LT. It was like Pinterest but instead of just one image it saves a permanent copy of a website for you. An archive like that is very useful to professional web designers and amateurs like myself. You can bolt a great design and keep it, even if it gets redesigned, you’ll have a copy your original inspiration. Also, you’ll be able to bolt sites before you redesign them, in order to have a copy of where you came from.

The concept is solid and with Pinterest soaring in popularity, I can see a similar rise for BO.LT as well.

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Your Ad & Agency Grinds My Gears, T-Mobile


If you watch tv, you see commercials. That’s the way it works. So this holiday season, when I first saw T-Mobile’s “4G Wonderland” spot (embedded at the bottom of this post), I was appalled. How is it possible that an ad agency or the executives at T-Mobile could let something go that to even the most casual observer is, well, appalling?

If you haven’t seen it, the commercial rips (parodies if you like) off the Christmas classic, “Winter Wonderland.”

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