Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Declassifying the Internet

Declassifying the Internet Blogging

Declassifying the Internet: Blogging

Blogging is now ubiquitous, and it’s always dying. At least, that’s what I keep hearing, but I don’t believe that to be true. But what is blogging? Where did it come from? Why should anyone do it? How do you do it? I have some answers for you.

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How to Clear Up Your V(O)D Problem

Movie theaters are the middle child of the movie industry. Theater owners build expensive cinematic palaces, and their employees constantly receive the brunt of criticism for ticket prices. The studios reward their efforts by attempting to steer business from them. Recently, theater chains planned to shorten the theaters-to-video cycle for a proposed $30 video on demand (VOD) premium option.

Theaters have upgraded their services by adding nap-initiating recliner seats and reserved seating, but they continue to do little to nothing to address the patrons who distract other customers by speaking audibly and taking out their phones during the show.

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With Podcasting the “P” stands for Personal

Podcasting is Personal

For all the growth that podcasting has done and all that I see it still has to do, people that don’t get it just don’t seem to understand what it’s about.

February 28th, 2017, will forever be the day that it all came together for me. Two things happened on that day in my world of podcasting, that made me realize what it is that makes podcasting so special.

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un-Fathom-able: An Open Letter to Fathom Events

Fathom Events Logo

Sometimes, your name is confusing to me. You do so many good things. Your Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction anniversary celebration in December 2012 were top-notch. Though I could only attend Pulp Fiction, watching one of my favorite movies on the big screen was a great experience.

I have attended a PaleyFest for The Walking Dead in March 2013, which was shortly before the series went to shit. While the actual product was terrible, you stepped up to the plate and played Batman: The Killing Joke before the video release in July 2016.

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What Social Networks am I on and How Do I Use Them?

What Social Networks am I on and How Do I Use Them

How many social networks are you on? I’m on an excess of 20. I’m not active on all of them, mind you, but I do like to try things out. If I had more time or could get caught up on things, I would certainly spend a little more time on some of them.

I like to keep up on things and try them out or at least see what all the fuss is about, so let’s go through them shall we? We’ll do so in alphabetical order, because it’s only logical.

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