Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

What you should listen to: The Nerdist Podcast (The Big Bang of the Nerdist Industries Juggernaut)

The Nerdist Podcast

Before Nerdist Industries was a juggernaut, before there was the Nerdist Podcast Network and the Nerdist YouTube Channel, there was a podcast; The Nerdist Podcast, not to put too fine a point on it.

Chris Hardwick, along with Matt Mira and Jonah Ray, usually accompanied by a celebrity, commonly of nerd or comedic fame, have conversations and record them for the entertainment of many, many fans, across many, many fandoms.

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In Suspended Reality, How Important is Proper Syntax?

Nedrys Workstation in Jurassic Park

The question started to fester after spotting a Tumblr post entitled “Source Code in TV and Films.” It’s a brilliant concept of taking an in-depth look into the code on computer screens in television shows and movies and finding out what it really is.

The lines of code in SwordFish are from a DES cracking program, Nedry’s screen from Jurassic Park appears to be source code for a SGI UNIX machine, the boot up sequence for the Mark I version of the Iron Man suit in Iron Man written to boot up the suit for Tony Stark’s escape is some butchered C code, but does it have to be? Does it have to hold up?

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Five Things about the 2013 – 14 NBA Season: The Good, the Ugly and Ridiculous

It’s been almost a month since the San Antonia Spurs beat the Miami Heat to win the NBA title and the much hyped NBA draft has come and gone.

The NBA may be a part of the American, and partially, the global sports landscape, but sometimes there is no escaping the good, the ugly and the ridiculous, as sometimes happens. These events or stories appear both on and off the court, in and out of the arena.

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From Star Wars Episode I to Episode VII: The Importance of Balance between Computer and Practical Effects

Star Wars Episode VII Real Puppets

I am a fan of Star Wars, but not a fanatic. I grew up watching the original trilogy as it was intended and when the “updated” versions of the original trilogy hit store shelves, I was not educated enough, nor fanatical to have a real opinion. But now, as Episode VII is being filmed, it’s time to geek out for a bit.

First off, let’s talk about Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. I remember standing in line, at about 5:00 p.m. for the midnight show, on a school night.

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Two Comic Book Stores and $50 are all it takes for a Successful Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day Sales

This past Sunday was the “Black Friday” for comic book shops around the country; “Free Comic Book Day.” It is always the first Saturday in May, hearkening the Summer in with free comic books, sales and special events at most comic book establishments.

Given the current economy, and I’m not just talking about comic books, I do believe that there is a correct way to celebrate the day.

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