Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Two Comic Book Stores and $50 are all it takes for a Successful Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day Sales

This past Sunday was the “Black Friday” for comic book shops around the country; “Free Comic Book Day.” It is always the first Saturday in May, hearkening the Summer in with free comic books, sales and special events at most comic book establishments.

Given the current economy, and I’m not just talking about comic books, I do believe that there is a correct way to celebrate the day.

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a Marvel Masterpiece that ties in amazingly with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. [Full of Spoilers]

Captain America The Winter Soldier Shield

A few things up front. I am current with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I watched the episode before Captain America opened and I watched the one that essentially spoiled the movie a few days later. I had a spoiler free post about Captain America: The Winter Soldier all ready to go, when this week’s episode of S.H.I.E.L.D. spoiled it, so I threw it out and wrote this.

Captain America’s trailers months ago led all of us to believe that he was acting less like Captain America the superhero and more like Captain America, an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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When ‘Captain America 3’ battles ‘Batman vs Superman,’ Everyone Wins!

When Captain America 3 battles Batman vs Superman Everyone Wins

It has been announced that “Captain America 3” will share its pre-planned release date May 6, 2016 with “Batman vs. Superman.” There is also a rumor floating around that the “Guardians of the Galaxy” sequel could fill that spot instead of “Captain America 3.” Either way, it seems destined that two big Hollywood comic book-based movies could release on the same day.

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What you should listen to: The Nerding Instinct Podcast

The Nerding Instinct Podcast

“The Nerding Instinct is about celebrating and unifying all facets of nerd and geek culture.” This is a bold statement for such a young podcast of only 14 episodes, as I write this.

I have listened to all of them and I have to say, I really like their concept. The podcast sounds very much like the conversations I used to hear when hanging out in my gaming store years ago.

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