Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

A Movie Review of Marvel’s Avengers and my Geek Pride shines through More Than Ever

Marvel Avengers Movie Review

I’m sure that most of the world wasn’t waiting for this movie since they were little kids. I’m sure even less of you were waiting for this after Ironman. The proof is that most of the world didn’t wait for Nick Fury to make his big screen debut after the credits of that film, but I did. And I was waiting for this since I was a little kid. And today was the day… Would it live up to the critical acclaim, I’ve been hearing about? Would it live up to my lofty expectations?

The simplest answer is yes and no.

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The Great Allentown Comic Con 2011 – Day 2

Star Wars Panel with Peter Mayhew

Day 2, my return to the Great Allentown Comic Con 2011. In my mind, and apparently in many others, there was an anticipation at arrival of noon to come. Because at noon, Mr. Peter Mayhew, Chewbacca himself would be speaking on a panel with Tom Kane, the voice of Yoda in Clone Wars.

The room was packed, or at least for a con of this size, and compared to the panels that I attended on day one.

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The Great Allentown Comic Con 2011 – Day 1

The Great Allentown Comic Con Day 1

It may not be as glorious or newsworthy as San Deigo but Allentown, Pennsylvania has it’s own Comic Con, The Great Allentown Comic Con. Today was Day 1 and it was very enjoyable. Now I do admit, that looking through boxes of comics may not be most people cup of tea, but I for one enjoy the thrill of the search.

So after searching through troves of comics, trade paperbacks and the like, I headed off to a panel.

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