Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Marvel deserves a commendation for “balance” within Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 has Balance

This is not a review, nor a critique, it’s just a commendation of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 for one thing; balance. It was a good and fun film. It’s what we expect from Marvel. They have a standard so high that even if they did fall short, it would still be a good movie.

But what struck me most about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was the attention to balance. It’s not something that I thought about during the first film, but with Groot and Gamora seemingly adding members to the team at will, the balance of screen time and story is amazingly solid.

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Spoiler Free Review

“If you wish to see the truth... then hold no opinions.” Marvel’s Iron Fist is actually Good.

“If you wish to see the truth… then hold no opinions.” Marvel’s Iron Fist is actually Good.

There is one headline that I saw before watching all 13 episodes of Netflix’s last Defender, Iron Fist. It said something about not being a series that the critics loved, because it was for the fans.

I didn’t think that was accurate, although I was sure the critics were off in their vocal criticisms of the series. And having watched all 13, there is only one thing I can say, “If you wish to see the truth… then hold no opinions.”

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17 Movies to Watch that are coming out in 2017

17 Movies to Watch that are coming out in 2017

Lots of movies come out every year. Some are good, some are bad, some are geeky fan services, but one thing remains the same, year after year: I am always surprised by something being better than I thought and something else being a letdown.

I’m not sure what will happen once the lights dim in the theatre this year, but I know that if it all works out, I’ll be seeing a good portion of these 17 movies in 2017.

This is my list, and it’s based on just my own thoughts and feelings. Will you be seeing any of these with me, and what will you be watching instead?

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