Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Sully is probably the first film built for awards season released in 2016

A Movie Review of Sully

An In-depth Report by Agent TBD.

How do you make a feature length film about an event that only lasted for three and a half minutes? The short answer is that you show the event twice and you don’t start the first time until about a third of the way into the film.

The better answer is that you don’t make the movie about those three and a half minutes. You make it a character study of the man who lived through that event.

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Sausage Party is a Hilarious “R Rated” Romp

Sausage Party Review

A Special Report by Agent TBD.

Seth Rogan and a host of Apatow comedy regulars dip their toes in the CG animated movie world with Sausage Party, an R-rated comedy that does for groceries what Toy Story did for Toys with much more disturbing results.

As expected, the film is infused with raunchy humor and double entendre that often pushes the line between funny and awkward. Throughout this film I often had to remind myself of the comforting fact that it was not a documentary.

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Geeking Out was as Profitable as it was Fun in 2015: A Look Back

Geeking Out was as Profitable as it was Fun in 2015 A Look Back

Looking back at 2015, it’s safe to say that another banner geek year has passed. So let’s take a look into what made this one so special.

Starting at the movies, the record for box office opening was broken twice this year, and almost three times, all with geek movies. First, in May, Avengers: Age of Ultron fell just shy ($191,271,109) of its predecessor, Marvel’s The Avengers ($207,438,708). Then in July, Jurassic World took over the top spot ($208,806,270), and lastly the current record holder from earlier this month, Star Wars: The Force Awakens ($247,966,675).

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