Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Ant-Man is What I have come to Expect from a Marvel Origin Film

Marvel Ant Man Movie Review

My knowledge of Ant-Man, Hank Pym, Scott Lang, and Wasp doesn’t come from reading the comics, but I knew about them in a way familiar to many geeks: from conversation and osmosis from friends who do read the comics about the pint-sized powerhouse.

At best, I think I’ve read one or two issues. But I was still excited to see the character on the big screen, making his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut.

And Marvel did not disappoint.

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Agent Palmer Guests on Moving the Needle Podcast (Episode 87 | Reviews: Indominus Cruelty)

Moving the Needle Podcast Logo

It’s not a mistake. The Stranger Conversations with Grant Markham was not an anomaly. Do not adjust your dials.

That was I, Agent Palmer, on another podcast. This time I infiltrated the Moving the Needle Podcast (MTNpod). “Infiltrated” may be a harsh word, as I was invited. As a peek behind the curtain, here’s how this came about.

I was just live tweeting some episodes of MTNpod, per my usual podcast listening habits.

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