Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Casey Jones: Don’t Call it a Comeback!

Casey Jones Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cartoon

With all the talk on the internet these days about Michael Bay and the way he’s handling the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot, it was great to see Casey Jones The Movie. A fan film from filmmaker Polaris Banks. The film is only 35 minutes long, but it’s beautifully done.

The thing that strikes me most about this film is accuracy.

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Spoiler Free Review

Real Steel – What is and what could be…

Recently, I watched the movie Real Steel. Honestly, I wasn’t sure why I had chosen it, but if it was a Rocky with robots, that’d probably be something I could get behind or at least enjoy watching. But what I got was a social commentary of boxing and the future by writer Dan Gilroy.

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Tucker – The Man, The Car, The Movie

Tucker Movie starring Jeff Bridges

Preston Tucker, I hardly knew ye. No really, I had no idea who you were. Then, I saw you’re car at America On Wheels. I heard there was a movie about you and that I watched, because you went up against the big guys. You challenged the conventional thinking, you’ve been called “ahead of your time” and “a generation too late.”

That’s pretty iconic and yet the legacy isn’t well known.

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Long Live The Muppets, Even if Disney owns them

Kermit the Frog - The Muppets

On a scheduled day off, I took my mother to see the new Muppets movie, written by Jason Segel. First let me say that I will not be giving any spoilers away here so no need to fret. Second let me say that the amount of guests in the movie is wonderful.

It’s good to see that celebs like Jack Black, Dave Grohl, Jim Parsons, Sarah Silverman and many more, were in the movie. It gives me hope that The Muppets could be back to stay. Why did they leave? That’s really more about ownership and finances than it is about relevance.

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