Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Love it or Hate it, Blonde Might Be the Best Art Film Ever

Blonde is the best art film

Blonde, the much maligned fictionalized biopic of Marilyn Monroe from director Andrew Dominik and based on the novel by Joyce Carol Oates, may just be the art film to end all art films.

It plays with color and sound, aspect ratio and focus, cameras and camera angles, light and darkness, and hard cuts and pans. Put simply, it’s all of the things you can do with a film all in one film.

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Entwined Legacies Celebrated in “The Day the Music Died” Doc

The Day the Music Died Documentary

It’s a song about legacy that ended up with a legacy all its own. “The Day the Music Died” is a documentary about “American Pie,” how it was created and written from Don McLean himself and his producer, as well as how it became a legendary piece of music.

This documentary is 94 minutes of entertaining history about the longest number one hit single in history. For those counting, the song runs eight minutes and 36 seconds.

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A back-from-the-dead defense of 2013’s R.I.P.D.

R.I.P.D. is the perfect comic book movie. I know it got panned, but trust me when I tell you that a lot of that is circumstantial.

People generally prefer to complain rather than just sit back and enjoy something. If you can believe it, that’s more prevalent now than it was in 2013 when this was released, but it was still true then.

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Five R-E-A-S-O-N-S to Watch Bad Words

Bad Words movie review

We all have those movies. You know the ones I mean. They’re those films that we are aware of, that cycle in and out of are periphery once they leave theaters. They’re on streaming services we don’t have or, maybe worse, they’re on the ones we do pay for, but we don’t have time to watch them.

Any number of things can happen as time goes by and yet, we’re still adamant that one day we’ll watch that movie.

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Sailing Into History: Netflix tells the tale of The Race of the Century

Not all documentaries are cinematic. Sometimes it’s the perspective or narrative that makes it more informative and less entertaining, and sometimes it’s just the story. But when a documentary is truly cinematic, it is something to behold. That is what Untold: The Race of the Century is.

The official Netflix description for the episode of their Untold documentary series about The Race of the Century states, “The Australia II yacht crew looks back on the motivation, dedication and innovation that led to their historic victory at the 1983 America’s Cup.”

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