Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Ready Player One Is a Great Film (The Slight Spoiler Review with Old Man Rant)

Ready Player One Movie Review

Ready Player One is an amazing film. It’s fun, it’s filled with pop culture references, and it follows the book as much as a film can. But it’s not the book, which does not surprise me, and you should read the book, and you should also go see the film. What follows in this review is just the old man rant, that I had to get out of my system, and one that is kinda pointless because I did love the film.

Now, I attempted to go into this film with an open mind, which is how you need to view such things as movies based upon books that you love.

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WarGames 2: The Dead Code pays fitting homage to stellar original film

WarGames 2: The Dead Code

I have a reverence for WarGames. It is one of my favorite movies of all time, and while I hold it in a sort of sacred category among movies, that does not mean that the direct-to-video sequel WarGames 2: The Dead Code is unbearable to me as it evidently has been to others.

I enjoy the film for what it is: a sequel for another time with a respectful honoring of the original. Is it the greatest film? No. Is it an decent popcorn film? Perhaps for some, but for me it is enjoyable; no more and no less.

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