Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Fifteen Movies to Watch in 2015

15 Movies to Watch in 2015

It’s 2015, Happy New Year! As 2014 came to a close, I coined it the “Year of the Trailer.” With that being the case, there must be movies in 2015 worth seeing.

So, in the interest of maintaining 2014 as the “Year of the Trailer,” here are 15 movies that you should see in 2015. They run the gamut from adult to children’s movies, action and adventure, reboots, continuations, and, of course, comic book movies.

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Spoiler Free Review

The Kronos Interference Spoiler Free Book Review

The Kronos Interference is Brilliant: A Spoiler Free Book Review

I just finished reading The Kronos Interference by Edward Miller and J.B. Manas and it was great!

The cover touts it as “Crichton meets Hitchcock,” and it lives up to that billing and them sum. It is a fantastical look at time travel, and its implications, while weaving a plot of intrigue that is at times scary and scientifically brilliant, while creating amazing historical anomalies.

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Musings from the Jurassic World trailer, is it a reboot or a continuation and other questions…

Jurassic World Trailer Questions

It starts with “On June 12… The Park… Is Open,” but the fanboy in me has already moved on to other things.

What I am about to do, is state my fascination with the new Jurassic World, while at the same time asking the questions I hope the movie answers. Why? Because I fell in love with the first Jurassic Park over 20 years ago when I saw it opening weekend.

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A Successful Infiltration of the Great Allentown Comic Con’s 5th Anniversary Show

Nichelle Nichols at the Con

The Great Allentown Comic Con’s 5th Anniversary Show was this past weekend and I was there. I had three things in mind, buy some things to read either comic book or just book, buy some art and hear Nichelle Nichols speak. And I was successful on all three fronts.

So, why bury the lead, the last thing I did during my infiltration was go to a panel where Nichelle Nichols did a short 40 minute Q & A, it was fantastic! She is a fascinating woman. She spoke of the vision of the future that Gene Roddenberry had and of her fellow actors, directors and the new and old Trek.

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Lessons of WarGames still Ring True, Even with the Dated Technology of the 80s

WarGames is a classic 1983 America Cold War science-fiction film

WarGames is a classic 1983 American Cold War science-fiction film. The film is about hacker David Lightman, played by Matthew Broderick, who unknowingly hacks into the United States Military WOPR (War Operation Plan Response) computer when trying to get early access to some ProtoVision video games.

What is it about this movie that makes it a classic and one of my favorites? Is it the acting? The plot? The Lesson? The Nostalgia? It’s a wonderful combination of the acting, the plot, the lesson, and most recently the nostalgia that sets it apart for me.

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