Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Spoiler Free Review

Caught Stealing Might Be the Most Violent Book I’ve Ever Read

Caught Stealing is Charlie Huston’s debut novel. It is a very graphic thriller that doesn’t skimp on the violence. In truth, it may be one of the most violent books I’ve ever read. The nature of the “wrong-man” story that unfolds in this novel is chaotic and changes directions in such divergent ways it singles itself out as a mysterious thriller in every sense of the phrase.

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Spoiler Free Review

Evil Genius is a Textbook Example of a Fun Thriller

“Cadel Piggott’s parents thought he was brilliant… and dangerous. His therapist thought he could rule the world. They were right.” This is the description on the back of the paperback edition of Evil Genius by Catherine Jinks, and it’s a fairly decent spoiler-free description.

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Spoiler Free Review

Codex by Lev Grossman Spoiler Free Book Review

The Mystery of The Codex is Always on the Periphery

Getting a promotion that you’ve worked for day in and day out, forgoing vacation and social graces, may seem like a dream come true. But when Edward Wozny gets such an opportunity, he takes a break and it’s not like a vacation at all. It’s a thrilling mystery that he wasn’t expecting.

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