Marvel has done it again. Luke Cage, the newest addition to Marvel’s growing Netflix arsenal of entertainment has been so well done, it not only stands on its own, it further expands the larger Marvel Netflix Universe and to an extent the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well, without beating you over the head with obvious references.
Declassify >Have you heard of Preacher? This is how I came to know Reverend Jesse Custer.
Have you read Preacher? I’m not asking because there is a show on AMC based on those comics. I’m not asking because I was on a podcast called “Preacher vs. Preacher: A Comparison Companion.” I’m asking, because it is flat out a great read!
How did I come to find this comic from the 90’s? How did I end up on that podcast? Truthfully, it is all Bill Sweeney’s fault, Bill being a friend and the host and creator of The Wicked Theory Podcast.
Declassify >Ten Geeky Flags to Stand Under
Once upon a time, President Woodrow Wilson established National Flag day as June 14th, with a proclamation in 1949. This holiday commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States and that’s all fine and good, an honorable commemoration if ever there was one, but truth told, my fellow geeks and I often stand under other flags (or banners) besides our national ones.
So, with that in mind, here are just a select few of the many fictional flags/banners that geeks stand under and for.
Let’s take a look…
Declassify >Small Oddities
Small Oddities: Coffee, Guardians, Alf, A Stormtrooper and The Punch
It’s been too long since I’ve gone down the rabbit hole that is the Small Oddities series. So, let’s get back to it!
Declassify >Eight Important Lessons I Learned from Pop Culture Moms
Moms are there for your whole life… You don’t stop needing them ever. And as much as I love my real mom, there are other moms that have taught me lessons along the way, and some of them weren’t real.
So here are eight pop culture moms who, like my real mom, have and continue to teach me lessons whether I want them to or not.
Declassify >