Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

“Marvel’s The Defenders” was a Color-Coded Hell to Watch

The Defenders was Color-Coded Hell to watch

A Special Report by Agent Parker

Well, it’s been a week, and I’ve finally gotten through all of “Marvel’s The Defenders.” I’ll wait while you finish silently judging me. Done now? Then let’s continue. In the week since then, something has continually bothered me.

It’s not that the Netflix exclusive that finally brought together Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist was difficult to watch. (You can save your Internet hivemind hatred of Finn Jones for another day). It’s not even that it was difficult to find the time to watch it.

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Spoiler Free Review

“If you wish to see the truth... then hold no opinions.” Marvel’s Iron Fist is actually Good.

“If you wish to see the truth… then hold no opinions.” Marvel’s Iron Fist is actually Good.

There is one headline that I saw before watching all 13 episodes of Netflix’s last Defender, Iron Fist. It said something about not being a series that the critics loved, because it was for the fans.

I didn’t think that was accurate, although I was sure the critics were off in their vocal criticisms of the series. And having watched all 13, there is only one thing I can say, “If you wish to see the truth… then hold no opinions.”

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Hate Watching Riverdale Leads to a Question.


Is this how it works now? Am I doomed to watch television and say, “I’ve seen this before?”

Riverdale is the CW’s newest incarnation of comic books come to live action and through all the episodes I seen so far, I see plotlines and characters and even hints at dialogue that I’ve seen or heard before. Yes, it’s target market is younger than I am, and as such, is that the issue?

Is it that I’ve seen Dawson’s Creek, Veronica Mars, Cruel Intentions, and countless others that this show recycles?

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Spoiler Free Review

Gilmore Girls Revival on Netflix A Year In The Life

Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life – The Girls Are Back!

Let’s talk about the Netflix Gilmore Girls Revival “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.” Four 90ish minute episodes: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. These episodes give you all of the nostalgia you were expecting… Everyone came back, everyone that could anyway…

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