This edition features quite the range of artistic styles from digital art, lithograph, photography, pop art and macabre painting. It also covers themes from animated television and movies, music and parody. Without further ado here are July’s small oddities.
Declassify >Long Live The Muppets, Even if Disney owns them
On a scheduled day off, I took my mother to see the new Muppets movie, written by Jason Segel. First let me say that I will not be giving any spoilers away here so no need to fret. Second let me say that the amount of guests in the movie is wonderful.
It’s good to see that celebs like Jack Black, Dave Grohl, Jim Parsons, Sarah Silverman and many more, were in the movie. It gives me hope that The Muppets could be back to stay. Why did they leave? That’s really more about ownership and finances than it is about relevance.
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