Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

The Beginner’s Guide to Clammr

Clammr App Tips from Agent Palmer

“The human species has been around for 200,000 years and we’ve been coding our communication in text for less than 3% of that time. I think speaking and listening is a really natural mode of interacting with people.” – Parviz Parvizi

Recently, I was invited to co-host The Diamond Dave Show with David Maier as a special co-host along with Matt from Reasons Are Several to interview Parviz, one of the brilliant minds behind Clammr.

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A Girl and Her Games: My First Four Months Streaming on

Amber Waves of Game

A Special Field Report from Agent Waves

I grew up in a family of geeks.

I spent my childhood fighting over who got to be Mario with my three brothers and spending every other Friday at the local comic shop catching up on my weekly’s. So naturally, I always loved every new Nintendo & Sega system put in front of me, and I was smitten with games like Shenmue and Luigi’s Mansion.

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A Recap of the Podcasts involved in the “Week of Palmer”

A Recap of the Podcasts involved in the Week of Palmer

The “Week of Palmer…” You’d think it was orchestrated, but it really wasn’t.

Starting on Sunday January 17th with Our Liner Notes followed by The Wicked Theory Podcast on Monday January 18th, 7 Days A Geek on Tuesday January 19th and ending with Reasons Are Several on January 21st, the “Week of Palmer” occurred as an unplanned, welcome period of time with shout outs, stories and questions on four different podcasts.

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