Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Agent Palmer Delves Deep into the World of Twitter Chats (or How Twitter Chats Work)

Twitter Chats or Tweet Chats if you Prefer

I have lamented in the past about how Twitter is not Facebook, and I still believe that. I use Facebook for, well, Facebook’s sake, although not much. It’s mainly for the Agent Palmer Facebook page, to keep those fans who “like” that page informed, but rarely beyond that. Twitter, on the other hand, I enjoy as my own personal digital newspaper of sorts, as well as a community of never-ending and ongoing conversations.

But it can be overwhelming with the more than 232 million users, and the large percentage of those that are bots. It can sometimes feel as though you are talking to the wall.

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Clouds Over Cuba is an Amazing Documentary housed in a Brilliant Site

Clouds Over Cuba

Recently, I stumbled upon an amazing documentary housed in an equally brilliant site: Clouds Over Cuba which is hosted at It’s been around for a while and was produced by The Martin Agency.

The documentary is an “interactive multimedia documentary” of the Cuban Missile Crisis, narrated by Matthew Modine, conceptualized by The Martin Agency and created by Brian Williams, Wade Alger, Joe Alexander, and Ben Tricklebank on behalf of The JFK Presidential Library.

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Book Review: Eating the Dinosaur by Chuck Klosterman

Eating the Dinosaur by Chuck Klosterman

I’m going to make a generalization: There are two types of people in the world, those who enjoy Chuck Klosterman and those who don’t know who he is. In my experience this is wholly truthful conclusion to come to, although I have no idea why?

I enjoy reading Klosterman’s books as do others, of this I am certain. But I have never, as of yet, had an encounter with a person who read is work and didn’t like it. This just seems like a natural lead in to a book review of Chuck Klosterman’s Eating the Dinosaur, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

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Anonymous needs to get smart. I think they literally punched their cause in the face!

Anonymous Logo

Do you know Anonymous? Their twitter description is “We are Anonymous, We are legion, We never forgive, We never forget, Expect us.” They’ve been attacking, a.k.a. digitally hacking, governments and other websites as part of their freedom fighting and digital Robin Hood act.

But Monday, one of their alleged members dropped the ball in a huge way.

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