Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Public Service Announcement: Check your computer for DNS Malware

DNS Changer Working Group Malware Attack

The world has been abuzz with talk of the latest threat to our society. A DNS Malware, that if unchecked could render your box of silicon chips and wiring unable to connect to the internet on Monday. Well, there is a plus and a negative to this.

First off, there is a site that will check to see if you are infected, created by the DNS Changer Working Group, go there now to launch the check tool. For the record you could have contracted the malware through facebook or Google, but who goes to those places anyway?

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BO.LT is Pinterest on Steroids but marketing is slow

Bolt and Pinterest

I was extremely interested when I heard about BO.LT. It was like Pinterest but instead of just one image it saves a permanent copy of a website for you. An archive like that is very useful to professional web designers and amateurs like myself. You can bolt a great design and keep it, even if it gets redesigned, you’ll have a copy your original inspiration. Also, you’ll be able to bolt sites before you redesign them, in order to have a copy of where you came from.

The concept is solid and with Pinterest soaring in popularity, I can see a similar rise for BO.LT as well.

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Encyclopedia Britannica: In Print No More

Encyclopedia Britannica In Print No More

This week, the news broke that Encyclopedia Britannica will no longer be printing it’s massive volumes of knowledge, instead it will be an online resource. This is big news and a very frightening thing if I may say so, to some much more than others.

Since the 1900’s there have been 6 generations: the Greatest Generation, the Silent Generation, the Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and the currently named, and most recent generation, Generation Z.

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Innovate, Innovate, Obliterate…

The article “Focus on past glory kept Kodak from digital win” which appeared on Reuters shortly after noon today had a line in it that was a bit jarring to me.

Not that it was untrue or shocking, just that it made me think, and what I thought of wasn’t pretty.

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Who’s against SOPA? We’re against SOPA!

Today is January 18th, 2012. There has been a lot of speculation over the last few weeks as to who would participate in this blackout. Well, the day is here. Big boys Google, Wikipedia, Reddit, Wordpress and Mozilla are all throwing their collective weight around. So is The Oatmeal, I haz Cheezburger, oreilly and others.

I applaud them for standing up for something.

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