I was very lucky to have parents with good taste in music, so when I tell you that I have revisited an album from my childhood that I still love to this day, it could be any number of genres, bands, or artists, but in this instance, it is Harry Chapin Greatest Stories Live.
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A Nostalgic Look Back On Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles “Coming Out of Our Shells”
If you could get in a time machine and ask me in my 7-year old wisdom, what the best album of all time was, I would have easily answered Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles “Coming Out of Our Shells,” without hesitation. Seriously, the album was my jam back in the day.
Though much lamented on the internet with any google search for “Coming Out of Our Shells” now, I view this gem very differently. Let’s be honest here, I was 7 when this was released and it was my jam!
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An Attempt to Decipher “Why John Henry by They Might Be Giants is My November Album?”
I have a November album. I’m not ashamed of this. It’s kind of an autumn or fall album, but I always feel the urge or need to listen to this album in and around November. For the record, before I continue, I do not, for my recollection, have an album for any other month, but every November like clockwork, I listen to John Henry by They Might Be Giants.
No, not just a song, the whole album. No, not on shuffle, maybe “album repeat” but never shuffle, and I listen to it throughout the entire month, every year for more than the past decade.
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